Posted by: cjjj1 | October 12, 2008

The Lost City Of Pompeii

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In 79 A.D, Vesuvius erupting and destroyed covering the whole city of Pompeii in ash and pumice. Along with Herculaneum, the city next to it, Pompeii was destroyed, and completely buried, during the two day eruption.  It was lost for nearly 1700 years before its accidental rediscovery in 1748. Since then, its excavation has provided an extraordinarily detailed insight into the Roman Empire. The eruption preserved a cast for all things in Pompeii, which is how scientists got more insight on the ancient people living in Pompeii at the time.

The eruption formed a cast of a dog that died becuase of the eruption. This dog is thought to be chained outside during the eruption due to the collar around the neck and perfect body cast.

The eruption formed a cast of a dog that died becuase of the eruption. This dog is thought to be chained outside during the eruption due to the collar around the neck and perfect body cast.

After thick layers of ash smothered the two towns, they were abandoned and eventually their names and locations were forgotten. Many years later Herculaneum was rediscovered in 1738 by workmen working on the foundation of a palace for their king. Pompeii was rediscovered intentionally in 1784. These towns have since been excavated to reveal many intact buildings, wall paintings, corpses, and history. The oldest layer is up to 8th-6th century B.C. around the time the city was founded.

Pompeii was considered a very large city at the time. It was located around the base of Mt. Verusius. The area had a substantial population which grew prosperous from the region’s renowned agricultural fertility. It was the center for trade in crops, wine, and olive oil. Eruption concienitally happening after Vulcanalia, the festivel of fire. The many excavations have uncovered numerous beautiful buildings, paintings and corpes of all thoses that were in the path of the volcano.

Now today Pompeii is one of the most visited tourist spot in Italy because of all the sights.

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